
#WorldSpaceWeek – LENKE Space and Water Solutions Ltd

#WorldSpaceWeek – LENKE Space and Water Solutions Ltd

We reached out to some of our current ESA BIC UK incubatees to discuss the #WorldSpaceWeek space and sustainability theme. We asked them a couple of questions about their company and how they are tackling sustainability challenges both on earth and in space!

We spoke to Lensa Jotte from LENKE Space and Water Solutions Ltd.

LENKE Space and Water Solutions Ltd develop state-of-the-art tools for the sustainable use of environmental resources. Their solutions are decision support tools for users to monitor and manage their water resources and to optimise their harvesting.

Here is what Lensa had to say:

How are you using space technology to tackle sustainability challenges in space or on earth?

At LENKÉ, we develop state-of-the-art technologies for the sustainable use of environmental resources. The two in situ technologies we developed are SWIFT (Soil Water Index Forecast Technology) and WQAT (Water Quality Analysis Technology). 

  • The SWIFT tool combines climate and satellite data and other variables to predict soil moisture content for different soil types and agricultural uses including soil moisture prediction, harvest optimisation, sustainable water usage, and increased productivity.
  • The WQAT is a decision support tool that utilises high-resolution satellite data to detect the presence of dissolved and suspended solids in water, monitor the changes in the volume of these constituents, and determine their impact on the water body. 

What measures have you/do you intend to put in place to be a sustainable company?

  • Sustainability is one of the main factors we intend to consider during the selection of commercial satellite data suppliers in the future. 
  • As we continue to upscale our technologies and deploy more software on servers, we intend to consider sustainability in the cloud as a deciding factor for choosing the host companies.  

Find out more about LENKE Space and Water Solutions Ltd:

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